Healthy pregnancies along with positive maternal and infant health outcomes are foundational to strong families and communities and an important marker of the overall well-being of a society. Florida’s expectant mothers are not exempt from the nation's affordable housing crisis.
Florida’s Wrongful Death Act has held that someone whose action causes the death of an unborn child is not civilly liable to the surviving parents for damages. HB 651 sponsored by Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka (R-Fort Myers) would expand Florida’s Wrongful Death Act to allow parents of an unborn child to recover civil damages for such unborn child’s death in the same way that other survivors may generally receive compensation from individuals or entities party to a suit.
HB 1347 (Brackett) and SB 1436 (Burton) would raise interest rates on consumer finance loans in a tiered system, adding to the burden of borrowers. Proponents argue these loans remain a better alternative than those available online that originate in other states.
HB 1589 (Plakon) would establish criminal penalties for unlicensed driving. FCCB's executive director, Michael Sheedy, sent a letter to the sponsor, outlining a few points of concern with the bill. "It must be noted that a significant number of Florida's residents have no path to a driver's license," wrote Michael.
On Tuesday, the Senate Health Policy Committee debated SB 436 by Senator Erin Grall (R-Fort Pierce), which requires the state to hire a third party vendor to create and maintain a website where pregnant women and families can find vital, up-to-date information and support throughout their pregnancy and parenting journeys. The site will offer access to maternal health services, including information on prenatal care, child development, and parenting techniques.
HB 3 by Representative Chase Tramont (R-Port Orange) aims to protect children under 18 from online access to harmful content, such as pornography. The bill requires websites and applications that publish a substantial amount of materials harmful to minors to contract with a third party to verify that the age of a person attempting to access the material is 18 years or older.
Senator Blaise Ingoglia (R-Spring Hill) is the sponsor of several bills pertaining to immigration this session. Among them, SB 1174 further restricts community identification cards to preclude local governments from not only issuing them or funding them, but also from accepting them. SB 1324 would establish criminal penalties for unlicensed driving. SM 598 is a memorial bill which urges the federal government to secure the southern border of the United States and reform our broken immigration system.
HB 1639 by Representative Douglas Bankson (R-Apopka) requires that any health insurance policy that provides coverage for sex-reassignment related services also provides coverage for those seeking de-transition treatment. Additionally, the bill requires that if insurance companies offer policies including coverage for sex-reassignment procedures or prescriptions, they also offer the option of a policy that does not cover those services.
Representative Susan Plasencia (R-Winter Park) has sought feedback on HB 219 which authorizes patient-directed doctor’s orders for end-of-life care decisions. This legislation authorizes doctors to sign, in consultation with the patient, a medical order that will direct end-of-life care if the individual becomes incapacitated. Importantly, HB 219 keeps Florida’s prohibition against patient-assisted suicide intact.
The political committee behind a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize abortion up until birth in Florida has surpassed the petition signature requirement for placement on the November 2024 ballot. For ballot placement to be confirmed, the amendment language must be reviewed by the Florida Supreme Court to ensure it is clear and limited to a single subject.
State lawmakers convened Tuesday for the traditional start of the annual Florida Legislative Session. Senate President Kathleen Passidomo and House Speaker Paul Renner shared opening remarks before welcoming Governor DeSantis to deliver the State of the State address.
Each year, the FCCB publishes its policy priorities prior to the annual legislative session. Key issues for the 2024 Florida Legislative Session have been identified under the advocacy areas of Life & Dignity, Health Care, Family & Social Concerns, and Education.
The political committee behind a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize abortion up until birth in Florida has surpassed the 891,523 petition signatures required for placement on the November 2024 ballot. For ballot placement to be confirmed, the amendment language must be reviewed by the Florida Supreme Court to ensure it is clear and limited to a single subject. The Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments on February 7 concerning the validity of the amendment language.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops recognizes the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. While the January 22, 1973, Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion was overturned on June 24, 2022, by the Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, many state and federal laws still threaten the lives of unborn children.
The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops has filed a legal brief with the Florida Supreme Court opposing a ballot initiative that seeks to enshrine unfettered abortion access into the state constitution.
A new brochure in the Culture of Life Series is now available. Human Trafficking: A Catholic Response contains an overview of the reality of this modern-day form of slavery, information about how the state of Florida can respond through prevention, prosecution and protection of potential victims, and reviews Church teaching.
You are invited to Catholic Days at the Capitol, FCCB's premiere event in Florida's capital city, held every year during the regular session of the legislature. Catholics from all around the state will gather to advocate for policies that promote human life & dignity, learn about the legislative process and pray for our elected leaders
The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) is pleased to announce two new staff members. Chanta Combs has joined the staff as associate director for health, and Tammy Fecci will fill the position of associate for life and dignity. In addition, Michael Barrett, who currently serves as associate for education, will also serve as in-house legal counsel.
An extremely grave initiative is underway in Florida that seeks to erase pro-life protections by banning government regulation of abortion in our state constitution. A network of abortion activists is working to gather petition signatures to have a pro-abortion constitutional amendment, titled Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion, placed on the statewide ballot in the November 2024 election. In order to do so, they need nearly 900,000 signatures and are working right now in communities across Florida to collect them.
The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) has requested that Gov. Ron DeSantis stay the execution of Michael Zack and commute his sentence to life without parole. Zack is scheduled to be executed on October 3, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.