During a virtual press conference organized by the Susan B. Anthony List and other pro-life allies, Senators Ana Maria Rodriguez and Ray Rodrigues and Reps. Tommy Gregory and David Borrero announced their support and sponsorship of the Florida Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
To be filed for the upcoming legislative session set to begin March 2, the bill would ban abortions at 20-weeks gestation, a point by which science reveals unborn babies feel pain. Florida already prohibits abortions in the third trimester and when a baby is viable outside the womb. This proposal would further limit when an abortion can be performed. Twenty-three states have already passed similar legislation, including neighboring states like Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina.
Ingrid Delgado, FCCB associate for social concerns/respect life, also participated in the news conference. The FCCB looks forward to the day that abortion is not only illegal, but unthinkable. For this reason, Catholic ministries provide support to mothers who may need assistance with baby items, parenting classes, housing, child care, and job readiness programs. However, as long as abortion is legal, we support incremental improvements such as prohibiting abortion at 20-weeks gestation.