On February 2-3, faithful citizens from across Florida connected online to participate in a virtual Catholic Days at the Capitol. Michael Sheedy, FCCB executive director, called the proceedings to order, which included a briefing on key legislative proposals, an interactive Q and A, diocesan breakout sessions, and the presentation of the Defensor Vitae award to Rep. Erin Grall. There were also opportunities to join in prayer, including a rosary led by the bishops of Florida and the Red Mass of the Holy Spirit.
The Most Reverend William A. Wack, CSC, bishop of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, celebrated the 46th Annual Red Mass of the Holy Spirit on February 3, 2021 at the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Tallahassee.
The bishops are deeply appreciative of the service rendered by all members of the legislature, and they recognize special and notable achievements in the public square. This year, they are pleased to present the Defensor Vitae / Defender of Life Award to The Honorable Erin Grall, Florida House of Representatives, District 54, Vero Beach.
From across Florida, bishops of the dioceses in the Province of Miami prayed the glorious mysteries of the rosary on Wednesday, February 3, on the feast of St. Blaise, during Catholic Days at the Capitol.
Florida is on the cutting edge of the school choice movement. Over 170,000 students are currently enrolled in one of Florida's five scholarship programs. This includes about 30,000 Catholic school students. Parents of qualifying students can use scholarship funds to pay for costs and tuition at an eligible private school. SB 48 (Diaz), a Catholic Days at the Capitol priority, streamlines and expands access to Florida's K-12 scholarship programs.
SB 52 (Rodrigues, R.) establishes the Dual Enrollment Scholarship Program, providing access to dual enrollment courses for all Florida students. This is an improvement over current law which includes barriers for non-public schools and their students to the many educational advantages of enrollment in both high school and post-secondary courses. Mike Barrett, FCCB associate for education, testified in support of the bill. The bill passed its first committee of reference and is on the agenda for the Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, February 9.
Current Florida law allows the surrender of newborn infants up to seven days old at EMS stations, hospitals, and fire stations. Even with the existence of this good law, however, illegal abandonment of newborns continue to occur, sometimes leading to the child's death. SB 122 (Baxley)/HB 133 (Harding/Beltran), supported by the FCCB, would authorize the installation of newborn safety devices or "baby boxes" to accept surrendered newborn infants at the same locations where newborns may now be surrendered. The boxes would be installed through an exterior wall, with an access door on the inside of the building. An alarm notifies emergency personnel that someone has placed an infant inside the box. The bill also increases the allowable age of surrender to 30 days. The Senate bill passed its first committee of reference on January 27. The House bill has yet to be scheduled for its first committee hearing.
The FCCB has taken a position in opposition against HB 1 (Fernandez-Barquin), as it is unnecessary and potentially harmful. Recent riots have prompted concern; however, any violence committed during a riot, or at any time, is already prosecutable. HB 1 raises penalties and sentences for certain crimes committed during a riot, violates local subsidiarity by allowing the governor to subvert local law enforcement budgets, and broadly describes certain terms in a way that could potentially criminalize some of our ministries' public activities such as praying in front of an abortion facility, sidewalk counseling, and prayer vigils against the death penalty. Ingrid Delgado, FCCB associate director for social concerns and respect life, testified in opposition to the bill before a House committee last week. A letter highlighting the Conference's concerns with the bill was circulated to the sponsor and committee members.
Tallahassee, FL (February 4, 2021) – While deeply appreciative of the service rendered by all members of the legislature, the bishops of Florida recognize special and notable achievements in the public square. This year, they are pleased to present the Defensor Vitae / Defender of Life Award to The Honorable Erin Grall, Florida House of Representatives, District 54, Vero Beach.
Members of the community, Catholic and non-Catholic, are invited to join celebrant and homilist Bishop William A. Wack CSC of Pensacola-Tallahassee to pray for divine inspiration and guidance for those serving in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government and for members of the legal profession at the annual Red Mass of the Holy Spirit.